Ashley Linden-Carmichael, Ph.D.
Associate Research Professor, Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center
The Pennsylvania State University
Ashley Linden-Carmichael‘s program of research focuses on identifying influential and underlying psychosocial predictors and consequences of high-risk drinking behavior, including high-intensity drinking, blackout drinking, alcohol mixed with energy drinks, and simultaneous use of alcohol with other substances, such as cannabis. She has a particular interest in using innovative methods, such as daily diary designs and ecological momentary assessment, to assess and intervene in problematic alcohol use patterns in real-time.
Dr. Linden-Carmichael received her Ph.D. in Applied Experimental Psychology at Old Dominion University (ODU) in 2016. She is currently PI of a five-year K01 Career Development Award and multiple PI of an R21 award from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). She also received pre-doctoral NRSA fellowship funding from NIAAA (F31 AA023118). She completed her undergraduate work at Central Michigan University in 2010 and received her M.S. in Experimental Psychology from ODU in 2012.
She directs the Addiction and Innovative Methods (AIM) Lab with Stephanie Lanza, Director of the Prevention Research Center and Professor of Biobehavioral Health. She also serves as Assistant Training Director for our Prevention and Methodology Training (PAMT) program, a T32 program funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.”